HowTo build DroidCon application on Compose Multiplatoform
Hi all!
TouchLab wrote the DroidCon application on compose multiplatform for Android and IOS (link)

Previously, with the help of Kotlin Multiplatform technology, we could make a layer of business logic, but not so long ago, Jetbrains published several examples of general logic on compose for android and IOS
Therefore, I became very interested and I started looking at all sorts of examples on compose, and the DroidCon application was no exception.
In this article I want to show how you can build your first project on Compose Multiplatform
Clone project from Github
git clone
git clone
Google Service Json
- Create Project in
- Create android application with id:
- Copy file to folder android/

- Create IOS application with id: com.touchlab.example.ios

- Copy file to ios/Droidcon/Droidcon/
Android Lint
For some reason, the project has a linter, but its rules are not followed, so we will disable it
- Open project in your favorite IDE, I prefer Android Studio
- Go to build.gradle.kts and comment all subprojects and id(“org.jlleitschuh.gradle.ktlint”)

- Go to android/build.gradle.kts and change isAbortOnError = true to isAbortOnError = false

- Repeat for shared/build.gradle.kts, shared-ui/build.gradle.kts
Java Heap

Change org.gradle.jvmargs to -Xmx4608m in gradle.options
Try build for Android
Well, now we can run application on Android
- Create file(if not exist) with path to SDK

Run by gradle:
./gradlew assembleDebug && ./gradlew installDebug && adb shell am start -n
Run by Android Studio:

Try build for IOS
- Run ./gradlew build
- Go to folder ios/Droidcon/
- For arm:
sudo arch -x86_64 gem install ffi
arch -x86_64 pod install
- For x86:
pod install
- Open Xcode (click on Droidcon.xcworkspace)
- Go to Project -> Targets -> DroidCon -> Signing & Capabilities
- In Team choose your profile
- In Bundle Identifier set com.touchlab.example.ios
- Choose physical device (emulator have some problem in gradle build)
- Click “Run”
Well, its great experience
If you have any question, you can write to my telegram